Greetings Indologists, 

A friend off list asked me to post this question.

Studies of Tibetan Buddhist pilgrimage practices in the Western Himalayas (from Vogel to Huber, etc.) often mention a local Sanskrit mahatmya (perhaps associated with Rewalsar?) containing stories of Lomasa Rsi said to resemble popular narratives of Guru Padmasambhava. However, I have not been able to identify the name of this mahatmya. 

Does anyone know the name of this mahatmya? 

Thank you.

(Sorry for lack of diacritics; I’m on a cell phone.)


Westin Harris
Ph.D. Candidate
Study of Religion
University of California, Davis

2021 Dissertation Fellow,
The Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Program in Buddhist Studies

Sarva Mangalam.