The sad news of the death of Prof. K.D. Tripathi has brought back fond memories from a somewhat distant past. I remember our first meeting in Delhi on the occasion of the Bhartṛhari Conference. After my paper, a tall, elegant man in pandit dress came to me, and started talking about my work on Utpaladeva. I was deeply impressed by the unusual combination of great learning and an aristocratic yet humble countenance. His knowledge of Indian theatre, aesthetic speculation (especially Abhinavabhāratī) and Trika philosophy was astonishing. The following meetings in Varanasi, his home, and then in Europe  (Helsinki), made me more and more convinced that I was looking at one of the last great Sanskrit scholars of India. Requiescat in pace! We will all miss him.

Raffaele Torella

Il giorno 4 dic 2023, alle ore 00:37, Lyne Bansat-Boudon via INDOLOGY <> ha scritto:

Dear Indology members, dear friends and colleagues, 


With great sorrow I inform you that Kamaleshadatta Tripathi, Emeritus Professor
at the Benares Hindu University, passed away on 3d December 2023, at 6.45 pm. 
Dean of the Faculty of Sanskrit Learning and Theology, and Head of the Department of Religious and Agamic Studies, he was also, for several years, the director of the Kālidāsa Akademi in Ujjain. He was an immense scholar, a polymath in such fields as Āgamic Philosophy, Philosophy of Grammar, Sanskrit Literature, Poetics and Aesthetics, as well as a very generous teacher, ready to share his knowledge with his students and to offer them the hospitality of his home, that is, of his family, in keeping with the atithidharma.   
He will be greatly missed by many. 


My thoughts are with his family, friends, colleagues and students. 

Lyne Bansat-Boudon
Directeur d'études pour les Religions de l'Inde
Ecole pratique des hautes études, section des sciences religieuses
Membre senior honoraire de l'Institut universitaire de France

INDOLOGY mailing list

Prof. Raffaele Torella
Emeritus Professor of Sanskrit
Sapienza University of Rome