Dear list members,

it is a pleasure to announce the publication of

Michael Witzel, 
Selected Articles on the History of Ancient India. Ausgewählte Kleine Schriften zur Geschichte des Alten Indien. 
Halle (Saale): Universitätsverlag Halle-Wittenberg, 1st edition, 2023, 932 pages. 
Hardback edition. ISBN 978-3-86977-255-4.

This is a collection of articles, originally selected by Prof. Zhen Liu of Fudan University and to be published in their series. However, the plan fell through as Chinese censors demanded a full translation of the book into Chinese. As the title says, this is a partial selection of M.Witzel’s writings on Vedic, Old Indian, and Nepalese history, from a discussion of the Ṛgveda up to recent reactions to the writing of Indian history as such. Nevertheless even this selection indicates how the subject has developed and expanded over the past fifty years, with increasing stress put on archaeology, and now also on human genetics. The now emerging combination of philology, linguistics, archaeology and genetics is most promising for the development of the field. It has enabled historians to reach increasingly finegrained results in describing and reconstructing the early stages of Indian history.

Until December 15, the book can be ordered at the reduced prize of 175,- (regular prize 198,-€) only directly from the publisher via the QR code on the attached pdf or the attached formula. People who have a follow-up order via a bookstore or the publisher will also receive the book at the reduced price. 

From December 16, the book can be ordered from the publisher ( or bookstores for the regular prize.

If you have any questions or problems, please, contact me.

With best wishes,

Petra Kieffer-Pülz


Dr. Petra Kieffer-Pülz
