Kind list,
may I ask for your assistance in locating a PDF of an article by
H. L. Jain: 'The Jain and the Sahajayâna schools of Yoga
philosophy' in: Maheswar Neog (ed.): Proceedings and Transactions
of the All India Oriental Conference, No. 22, Gauhati, Assam ;
January 1965? Our library has a copy, but due to a holiday it will
take them until the end of next week to deliver it for takeout.
I am also searching for a copy of the Śrīsambodhapañcāsikādisangraha,
Śrī Digambara Jaina Bīsa panthī mandira Nāgaura, Śrī Di. Jaina
Samāja, 1977. A search in the Jain e library was not successful.
Maybe I didn't spell it as needed.
Any hints in locating these items are highly appreciated! I still
have so many things to learn.
Thank you and best wishes,
Corinna May Lhoir
-- ---------------------------------------------------- Corinna Lhoir, M.A. Universität Hamburg Fakultät für Geisteswissenschaften Asien-Afrika-Institut Lehrbeauftragte Numata Zentrum für Buddhismuskunde Assistenz der Geschäftsleitung Alsterterrasse 1 20354 Hamburg Raum 109 +49 40 42838-8314 (Telefon)