Kind list,

may I ask for your assistance in locating a PDF of an article by H. L. Jain: 'The Jain and the Sahajayâna schools of Yoga philosophy' in: Maheswar Neog (ed.): Proceedings and Transactions of the All India Oriental Conference, No. 22,  Gauhati, Assam ; January 1965? Our library has a copy, but due to a holiday it will take them until the end of next week to deliver it for takeout.

I am also searching for a copy of the Śrīsambodhapañcāsikādisangraha, Śrī Digambara Jaina Bīsa panthī mandira Nāgaura, Śrī Di. Jaina Samāja, 1977. A search in the Jain e library was not successful. Maybe I didn't spell it as needed.

Any hints in locating these items are highly appreciated! I still have so many things to learn.

Thank you and best wishes,

Corinna May Lhoir

Corinna Lhoir, M.A.
Universität Hamburg 
Fakultät für Geisteswissenschaften
Numata Zentrum für Buddhismuskunde 
Assistenz der Geschäftsleitung

Alsterterrasse 1
20354 Hamburg

Raum 109

+49 40 42838-8314 (Telefon)