I've looked into this and I can't explain the blank pages, which I also see.  The files at catalogues.indology.info are a mirror of files on my disk, and on my disk this catalogue is fine (though truncated at p. 320).  I attach it to this email.


On Thu, 5 Oct 2023 at 12:05, Jean Michel DELIRE via INDOLOGY <indology@list.indology.info> wrote:
Dear members of the list,

When I click on Benares Sanskrit College 1911, in the Sanskrit Catalogues shared by Dominik Wujastyk (https://nextcloud.computecanada.ca/index.php/s/yfwp8XFRtmnQ8Mr), I find 328 pages completely blank. Is that normal and does anybody have a soft copy of that Catalogue ? I am actually looking for a Ms of the Rekhāgaṇita that, according to the editor Trivedi (Bombay 1901-2), contains some margin notes in Arabic.

Thank you for your help,

Jean Michel DELIRE
Lecturer on History of mathematics - IHEB (University of Brussels, ULB)
Lecturer on Science and civilisation of India - Sanskrit Texts - IHEB (ULB)
Member of the Centre National d'Histoire des Sciences (KBR, Bruxelles)
Member of the Société Asiatique (Paris)
Member of the International Association of Sanskrit Studies

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