A colleague, retired professor at the University of Liège (ULg), Eric Pirart, is specialised in this kind of question.
Unhappily, I don't know his mail address, but you probably will find it by looking at ULg website.

Best regards,

Jean Michel DELIRE
Lecturer on History of mathematics - IHEB (University of Brussels, ULB)
Lecturer on Science and civilisation of India - Sanskrit Texts - IHEB (ULB)
Member of the Centre National d'Histoire des Sciences (KBR, Bruxelles)
Member of the Société Asiatique (Paris)
Member of the International Association of Sanskrit Studies

Le jeu. 5 oct. 2023 à 14:19, Harry Spier via INDOLOGY <indology@list.indology.info> a écrit :
Agnes Korn wrote:
Concerning grammar, there is the old, but still impressive for showing
the parallelisms
     A. V. Williams Jackson: An Avesta grammar, in comparison with
Sanskrit. Part I. Phonology, inflection, word-formation. Stuttgart 1892

What ever happened to part II?  I vaguely recall someone saying the manuscript was in some university basement/archive somewhere? 

Harry Spier

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