I had a very pleasant (last) exchange with him last summer, concerning an archive photography here found, on which picture Bruno Dagens is seen behind Etienne Lamotte, in the garden of the latter's property when Lamotte was celebrating his emeritus
with a few colleagues, on the 8th of October 1974 — Bruno Dagens was in charge of the Sanskrit course in Louvain for a few years after Lamotte's retirement.
He came back to Louvain(-la-Neuve then) as member of the jury of my habilitation degree in 2007.
Among his last works, there is a nice portrait of the late Jacques Dumarçay, his friend, issued in the BEFEO 107, 2021, pp. 11-45, and the
Traité de l'habitat: Le Mayamata: Morceau choisis, introduits, commentés et traduits du sanskrit, Paris: Les Belles Lettres, série indienne, 2022.
Best wishes to him,
From Prof Georges Pinault:
This is my sad duty to announce that Bruno Dagens passed away on September 17, 2023, at the age of 88. He had been professor at the university Paris 3/Sorbonne Nouvelle, for long time member of the
IASS till now, and former treasurer of the IASS, before myself. He has been constantly devoted to Sanskrit studies.
Best regards, Georges
McComas Taylor, Associate Professor, Reader in Sanskrit
College of Asia and Pacific, Australian National University
Secretary-General, International Assoc. of Sanskrit Studies
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