In addition to the excellent resource Pancanga ( some of you may have use for the application HIC that we have just
succeeded in translating from a standalone Java application to an online application in JavaScript.
One of the nice features is that the system allows downloading diagrams showing the parameters of a given date. E.g., I just tested the date in a Badami Calukya inscription (
and get the attached diagram. The inscription mentions a solar eclipse which I believe I am able to identify as <>,
just one day off from the reading generated by HIC. So we seem to have a pretty good match.
The application also has features that are useful only for people wishing to convert dates involving the 210-day cycle ('wuku') that is typical of Hindu dates on Java and Bali.
I am still working on releasing the source code through github.
The authors of the original program are advanced in age and not fully available to keep improving the application. I am neither a specialist of the relevant úâstra nor a JavaScript programmer but should there be useful feedback, I will try to discuss it with
the authors and can try to have improvements implemented by the programmer.