Greetings Indologists,

Does anyone have a PDF of the Marathi Līḷācaritra that might share with me, preferably the Dvitīyāvṛttī of the Mahārāshṭra Rājya Sāhitya-Sãskṛti Maṇḍaḷa, 1982, edition in Devanāgarī (entitled Śrīcakradhara Līḷācaritra) . Devanāgarī or Roman pdfs and/or etexts of other editions would also be acceptable. 

Back when HathiTrust was allowing full access to documents during COVID-19 lockdown, I was able to access and transcribe several chapters for my dissertation research. However, I need more information to properly cite the sections I have excerpted and HathiTrust has long since discontinued their emergency full access program.

In related news, I was excited to discover that Anne Feldhaus will soon publish Volume 1 of her English translation! Thank you, Anne, if you are on this list.


Westin Harris
Ph.D. Candidate
Study of Religion 
University of California, Davis
The Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Program in Buddhist Studies

Sarva Mangalam.