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From: Peter Baker <notifications@github.com>
Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2023 at 14:43
Subject: [psb1558/Junicode-font] Release v2.000 - Junicode version 2.000
To: psb1558/Junicode-font <Junicode-font@noreply.github.com>
Cc: Subscribed <subscribed@noreply.github.com>

Junicode version 2.000

Repository: psb1558/Junicode-font · Tag: v2.000 · Commit: 2cbd638 · Released by: psb1558

Junicode 2.000 is a major reworking of the widely used font for students and scholars of medieval Europe (though it also serves scholars in a number of other disciplines). This version continues to track the development of the Medieval Unicode Font Initiative, with its wealth of specialized medieval characters, but it also provides many OpenType features that allow users to access MUFI characters in accessible ways.

Junicode is now an extended font family, with five weights (Light, Regular, Medium, SemiBold, and Bold) and five widths (Condensed, SemiCondensed, Regular, SemiExpanded, and Expanded). This makes for a large number of font files (19 each for roman and italic, omitting a few unsuitable styles), but the font also comes in a variable version, in which all the capabilities of the traditional “static” version—and more!—are packaged in just two files. The variable version is especially suitable for web use, but variable fonts can also be used in Adobe InDesign, LibreOffice, LuaTeX, and other text-processing apps (see the file JunicodeManual.pdf for details).

This release also includes compressed WOFF2 versions of the variable fonts for use in web pages. These are much quicker to download than static fonts, and they are supported by all major browsers.

This release has 3 assets:

Visit the release page to download them.

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