Bina Gupta. "’Bhagavad Gītā’ as Duty and Virtue Ethics: Some Reflections.” The Journal
of Religious Ethics, Vol. 34, No. 3 (Sep., 2006), pp. 373-395
Aleksandar Uskokov
Senior Lector and Associate Research Scholar
South Asian Studies Council and Department of Religious Studies, Yale University
203-432-1972 |
"The Philosophy of the Brahma-sutra: An Introduction"
Office Hours Sign-up:
Dear Scholars,
I would appreciate references to articles or books, available digitally, that analyze the Gita’s moral philosophy, especially but not exclusively from the standpoint of Western moral philosophy. More specifically, I wish to explore what for me is the dubious claim that the Euthyphro dilemma necessarily problematizes divine command theories of moral realism.
Sorry if this is a rather abstruse request.
Best wishes,