Can someone share a complete scan of the Tara Publications, Varanasi 1978 edition of Pārathasārathi's Nyāyaratnākara on the Ślokavarttika? My copy is missing pages 444-45, verses 62 and 62 of the vanavāda.
Śāstri, Svāmi Dvārikādāsa, ed. 1978. Ślokavārttika of Śrī Kumārila Bhaṭṭa with the Commentary Nyāyaratnākara of Śrī Pārthasārathi Miśra. Prāchyabhārati Series 10. Varanasi: Tara Publications.
Malcolm Keating Yale-NUS College | Associate Professor | Humanities Division (Philosophy) | Book Review Editor |Philosophy East & West