Dear colleagues,
I am wondering whether anyone might know the source(s) of two verses that are cited by a Kannada grammarian, Bhaṭṭākalaṅkadēva (writing in 1604 CE), on the distinction between transitive and intransitive verbs. They are (p. 233 of the 1890 ed.):
yadvācyēhā saviṣayā dhātavas tē sakarmakāḥ
yē tu nirviṣayām āhur ihāntē syur akarmakāḥ
pacyādikā saviṣayā kriyā sā yā kim icchikā
sthity-ādir anyāviṣayā kim icchām janayēn nayā
Before these verses, he cites a list that appears to be commonly quoted in modern grammars, although I don't know of its ultimate source:
lajjā-sattā-sthiti-jāgaraṇaṁ vr̥ddhi-kṣaya-bhaya-jīvita-maraṇaṁ
svapna-kr̥īḍā-ruci-dīpty-arthaṁ dhātu-gaṇaṁ tam akarmakam āhuḥ
With thanks,