This is sad news, indeed. Though I had never met him and did not ask him to, Prof. Wezler gave my dissertation a close read and provided me learned and supportive comments throughout. I will always be grateful to him.
Mark McClish
On May 9, 2023, at 3:51 AM, Raffaele Torella via INDOLOGY <> wrote:
I remember him as one the brightest minds I have ever met. But he was not only a great scholar, he was also a warm and exquisite person. It is a great loss for all of us.
Raffaele Torella
Il giorno 9 mag 2023, alle ore 09:24, Isabelle Ratie via INDOLOGY <> ha scritto:
This is very sad news indeed - Albrecht Wezler was a remarkably gifted scholar who made important contributions to Sanskrit studies in general and the history of Indian philosophy in particular. He also had a delightful sense of humour, and as no doubt many others, I did experience his warm and impressive personality, in Harunaga's apt words, as well as his great kindness to young researchers.Â
Isabelle Ratié---Isabelle RatiéProfesseur, Département des Études Orientales, Sorbonne Nouvelle, ParisMembre Senior de l'Institut Universitaire de France
Le mar. 9 mai 2023 à  08:35, Michaels, Prof. Dr. Axel <> a écrit :
I am deeply saddened to learn about the passing of Albrecht Wezler. As my teacher in Hamburg, he had a significant impact on my academic journey, imparting invaluable knowledge with his profound expertise and meticulous philological attention to detail. He played a crucial role in opening doors to various career opportunities for me. It is thanks to him that I had the opportunity to come to Nepal and lead the Nepal-German Manuscript Preservation Project (NGMPP), where I could combine my passion for textual studies with field research.
I am particularly grateful to Albrecht Wezler for his remarkable openness to different approaches to Indian culture and history. His generosity in embracing alternative perspectives has left a lasting impression on me. I will always cherish the memories of his mischievous sense of humor and his genuine care and warmth in numerous aspects of our interactions.
My thoughts are with his family, friends, and all those who were fortunate enough to know him.
Axel Michaels
Prof. Dr. Axel Michaels
Seniorprofessor - Vorsitzender des Kuratoriums der Josefine und Eduard von Portheim-Stiftung für Wissenschaft und Kunst
Centre for Asian and Transcultural Studies (CATS) / Südasien-Institut der Universität Heidelberg
Vossstr. 2, Geb. 4130 • D-69115 Heidelberg • Tel. +49-6221-5415209
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From:Â INDOLOGY <> on behalf of "" <>
Reply to:Â "" <>
Date:Â Tuesday, 9. May 2023 at 00:16
To:Â Harunaga Isaacson <>, "" <>
Subject: Re: [INDOLOGY] Albrecht Wezler (†11 April 2023)Â
Very sorry to hear this sad news. I had several fruitful communications with him. He was a multi-dimensional scholar. May he rest in peace.
Madhav M. DeshpandeÂ
Professor Emeritus, Sanskrit and Linguistics
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
Senior Fellow, Oxford Center for Hindu Studies
Adjunct Professor, National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bangalore, India
[Residence: Campbell, California, USA]
On Mon, May 8, 2023 at 2:22 PM Harunaga Isaacson via INDOLOGY <> wrote:
With sorrow I inform the list-members that Albrecht Wezler, Emeritus Professor
of classical Indology, Universität Hamburg, passed away last month.
Prof. Wezler was never active on this list; but many
listmembers will still have met him and experienced his warm
and impressive personality; others will have encountered his
publications, covering with incisive intelligence a vast range of areas
within (mainly) Sanskrit studies.
Harunaga Isaacson
INDOLOGY mailing list
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Prof. Raffaele TorellaEmeritus Professor of SanskritSapienza University of Rome
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