Paul Dundas had the generosity to take me through my first two years of Sanskrit. I was always impressed by what a thorough reader he was and by his humor to make enjoyable even the most hair-splitting discussions about grammar. At the end of each semester, he used to take the whole class for a pint. It was a very exciting occasion for us, students, to sit and partake with him. In my memory he will always remain as a towering teaching figure. The time spent reading the Subhāṣitaratnakośa with him is still, after so many years, a source of motivation for me. I´m greatly indebted to him.
Dra. Wendy J. Phillips Rodríguez
PhD (Cantab), MLitt (Edin), BA Hons (UNAM)
Centro de Estudios Clásicos
Instituto de Investigaciones Filológicas
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México