This is terrible news.

Paul and I knew each other for more than thirty years, as kindred spirits who took a serious interest in Jainism at a time when hardly anybody among our Indological colleagues knew how interesting and important the study of Jainism is. Our first meetings in Mysore, where I was living at the time, were mutually supportive and encouraging as well as eminently joyful (tea at Lalit Mahal Palace, etc.).

The last time I met him was at the World Sanskrit Conference in Vancouver. A colleague from Leiden asked him when he would retire.

“Another year, and I’ll vanish into darkness,” Paul said.

“Time to have a good look at him, while you still can,” I said aside to the colleague.

“You can buy me a drink,” he said.

I have to disagree. As far as I’m concerned, he’ll never vanish into darkness. He can’t.

Robert Zydenbos

Prof. Dr. Robert J. Zydenbos / ಪ್ರೊ. ಡಾ. ರೊಬೆರ್ತ್ ಜೆಯ್ದೆನ್ಬೊಸ್
Institut für Indologie und Tibetologie
Department für Asienstudien
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München