I imagine much the same approach as Sebastian Nehrdich is using for his language models could be applied to the evolution of pronunciation over time, much like a 21st century Saussure. If anyone has any such initiative underway I would be very interested in contributing. 

On Thu, 30 Mar 2023 at 15:50, Harry Spier via INDOLOGY <indology@list.indology.info> wrote:
Dear list members,
I've been asked to find out how vedic priests  pronounce the AdigAyatrI mantra (Rg-veda 3.62.10).  I've found it on a website online with accent marks and compared it to the Rg-veda (see attachment).  But I've been told that some of the svarita accents are dIrgha-svarita (i.e. a two note pronounciation medium followed by high).  

Can someone tell me which svarita accents in the mantra are dIrgha-svarita.

Harry Spier

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