On Sat, 25 Mar 2023 at 11:51, Andrew Ollett via INDOLOGY <indology@list.indology.info> wrote:
It seems that the INDOLOGY archives can now only be searched back to 2021 (?). Anyway, I did not succeed in finding the discussion, but the etymology from Wikipedia is certainly wrong.

This is a continuing source of irritation. Our archive of indological discussion goes back to 1990, and we must reinstate it as a searchable resource.  However, with positive support and efforts from our current Mailman company, and several attempts with different approaches and ideas, we've been unable to get it working well.  I am myself not certain what the problem is.  It may be a combination of the archive being unusually large, and having been encoded using different character encoding standards at different times.  Whatever the problem, we haven't forgotten about it.  One day, one of us will put some resources into the problem and get it up and running again.

Dominik Wujastyk
INDOLOGY list committee member
Please do not reply to me personally: reply to indology-owner@list.indology.info