Dear Colleagues,

I assume most of us have seen Bernardo Bertolucci’s film Little Buddha. If you have not seen it, you may want to stop reading this email at this point, as I am about to spoil the plot with my question.

Have there been any historical cases of a tülku being certified as having been reborn in more than one body at the same time? In the film, the three children who are candidates for the reincarnation of Lama Dorje are all determined to be his reincarnation. Is this based on any actual historical precedent?

I seem to recall this being the case, but I have searched in vain for the reference (if it does, indeed, exist).

Thank you in advance for any help you may be able to offer!

All the best,


Dr. Jeffery D. Long
Carl W. Zeigler Professor of Religion, Philosophy, & Asian Studies
School of Arts & Humanities
Elizabethtown College
Elizabethtown, PA
Series Editor, Explorations in Indic Traditions: Ethical, Philosophical, and Theological
Lexington Books
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