Apologies for cross-posting.

Dear Colleagues,

I am happy to invite you to the Fourth Annual Shrimad Rajchandra Lecture at UC Riverside. The lecture, "Sacred Space in Modern and Contemporary Śatruñjaya Paṭas," will be delivered virtually by Dr. Hawon Ku (Seoul National University) on Friday, March 17, 2023, 4:00-5:30pm PDTYou can find more information about the lecture and the speaker below.

Register for the event here: https://ucr.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJAlcu-tqzsjHdGpPUlhOMTEUEcwR8vWvr3- 

Please note that you will need to sign in to your Zoom account before entering the Zoom room.

Best wishes, 

Ana Bajzelj

Sacred Space in Modern and Contemporary Śatruñjaya Paṭas

Paintings of Jain tīrthas (sacred sites) have served as objects of devotion, with the earliest extant examples depicting yantras (mystic diagrams), Tīrthaṅkaras, and cosmic diagrams, dating back to the 15th century. Among these paintings, paṭas (cloth paintings) of Śatruñjaya have garnered the most interest due to their large size, striking colors, and iconographic representations. In this lecture, Dr. Hawon Ku examines the Śatruñjaya paṭas, particularly those from the late 18th and 19th centuries. She argues that these Jain tīrtha paṭas indicate changes in the Jain community’s perception of Śatruñjaya. Specifically, during this period, Śatruñjaya shifted from its traditional status as one of the five important pilgrimage sites to becoming one of the most prominent sites for Śvetāmbar Jains. In addition to the traditional temples on Śatruñjaya, contemporary paṭas show a more extensive sacred space that includes a depiction of the town of Pālītāṇā and its recently constructed temples. In the lecture, Dr. Ku explores these developments of “sacred space” through selected examples of paṭas and discusses how the stylistic changes reflect the rise of a modern Jain identity.

Dr. Hawon Ku is Associate Professor of Indian Studies at the Department of Asian Languages and Civilizations, Seoul National University, Korea. She was Visiting Scholar at SOAS, London (2018), and Assistant Professor at the Department of Hindi at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (2011-2015), following her PhD from the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. She currently teaches modern and contemporary South Asian art and culture, and her recent research has focused on female patronage of paintings and temples in modern India, including Jain temple architecture of the early 20th century.