On Jan 13, 2023, at 11:16 AM, Ryan Damron <rdamron@berkeley.edu> wrote:Greetings all,I would be most grateful if someone could provide me with a pdf of the following work of Siglinde Dietz:Dietz, Siglinde. “The meaning of kṛtya-kākhorda-mantra-vetāḍa.” In Bhikkhu Tampalawela Dhammaratana and Bhikkhu Pasadika, eds., Dharmadūta. Mélanges offerts au Vénérable Thích Huyên-Vi à l’ occasion de son soixante-dixième anniversaire, pp. 86–94. Paris: Éditions You-Feng, 1997.I am not near my home library, which holds a physical copy, and have had no luck locating an online version.Many thanks in advance,RyanRyan Damron, Ph.DResearch Editor84000: Translating the Words of the BuddhaW 84000.co | 84000.co/ch | Facebook | Instagram