Link to series::
1. Alastair Gornall: E. G. Kahrs: A Bibliography
2. Nalini Balbir and Javier Schnake: Uses of monosyllables in the Vidaddhamukhamaṇá¸ana
3. Saroja Bhate: PÄṇini and PÄṇinÄ«yas on Anubandhas
4. Johannes Bronkhorst: Does PÄṇinian grammar have (a) history?
5. Jean-Luc Chevillard: On the transmission of Tamil poetical vocabularies, with a special focus on the TivÄkaram and the CÅ«á¹Ämaṇi Nikaṇá¹u
6. Lata Mahesh Deokar: The Origin and Development of the Subanta Genre: Some Reflections With Special Reference to the CÄndra Grammatical School
7. Paul Dundas: Sectarian Confrontation as Theatrical Division: Observations on YaÅ›aÅ›candra’s Mudritakumudacandraprakaraṇa and the Jain Debate at Aṇahillapaá¹á¹ana
8. Rupert Gethin: What UpasÄ«va asked and how the Buddha answered: On the UpasÄ«vamÄṇavapucchÄ (SuttanipÄta vv. 1069–1076) and its commentaries
9. Malhar Kulkarni: A note on the emendation of the text of the MahÄbhÄá¹£ya DÄ«pikÄ in light of a quotation found in the SÅ«ktiratnÄkara
10. Antoine Panaïoti: A MÄdhyamika Error Theory of Causation
11. Wendy J. Phillips RodrÃguez: From Ancient India to Medieval Spain. Unexpected reincarnations of karaá¹akadamanakanÄmÄnau dvau sá¹›gÄlau mantriputrÄu
12. William: Pruitt: The Letters from R. C. Childers to T. W. Rhys Davids: Edited with Notes
13. Aleix Ruiz-Falqués: The Pali Version of Caá¹…gadÄsa’s SambandhopadeÅ›a: A Preliminary Study of Yasa’s KaccÄyanasÄra and Its Major Commentaries
14. John D. Smith: ‘This is not!’ — a MahÄbhÄrata Idiom
15. Paolo Visigalli: On the expression ‘pañcavidhaṃ niruktaṃ/niruttiṃ’
With best wishes,