Sorry if some of you get this twice - my first attempt does not appear to have been successful. John
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Dear colleagues,
I am looking for a good historical treatment of those parts of western India where large numbers of Konkani speakers are found. While this obviously includes Goa, I am also interested in Konkani speakers further to the north in Maharashtra but also to the east of Goa and especially to the south into Karnataka (and also Cochin, but that is not my priority right now).
This does not have to be a specialized book on these regions alone, but what I am especially interested in is an account of when large numbers of Konkani speakers entered these southern regions - preferably already before the arrival of the Portuguese, when many were forced to flee Goa. Also, any information on Dravidian speakers in Goa (and related issues) would be greatly appreciated.
Sorry for the very basic question, but I am not a historian and all attempts so far find any relevant information have turned up nothing. I know most older accounts do not care much about the languages people spoke, but also any references to other groups (e.g., "Brahmans from the north" or something like that which may allude to Konkani speakers) from these areas would also be of help. Many thanks!