I would like to thank Axel Michaels, Vlad Soravel,
Walter Slaje, Sylvia Stapelfeldt, Adriano
Aprigliano, Gérard Huet, Christoph Vielle,
and Raphaël Voix for their responses.
I’ll continue collecting translations, so of course I’m happy
about further additions!
Best regards,
D. Haas
Dear colleagues,
for my dissertation I have collected translations of the Gāyatrī-Mantra (the Sāvitrī, Ṛgveda 3.62.10) into English, German, and French, and I am keen to add more. If you come across a published translation of this mantra, or if you have published one yourself, I would be very grateful if you could send me a reference!
What I already have:
In brief:
Apte 1939, Basham 1959 [¹1954], Bausch 2015, Benfey 1848, Brereton & Jamison 2020, Caland 1921/1953, Colebrooke 1808, Dresden 1941, Dumont 1939, Eggeling 1882, Einoo 1993, Einoo 2002, Frazer 1898, Gail 1978, Geldner 1951, Gonda 1963, Gonda 1975, Griffith 1899 / 1991 [¹1893], Hopkins 1895, Jamison & Brereton 2014, Kajihara 2019, Kane 1941, Kashikar 1964, Keith 1908/1914, Larios 2019 , Lipner 1994, Lubin 1994/2018, Ludwig 1886, Mahoney 1998, Olivelle 1998/2000/2019, Pandey 1994 [¹1969], Parpola 1998, Roebuck 2003 [¹2000], Rosenfield 2004, Roy 1901 [¹1827], Sathaye 2015, Scharfe 2002, Schroeder 1914, Slaje 2007/2009/2019, Slaje 2009, Slaje 2019, Smith 1986, Staal 1983, Staal 2008, Stönner 1901, van Gelder 1963, Varenne 1960, West 2007, Wilkins 1900, Williams 1877/1882, Wilson 1857, Witzel 2013/2018, Wurm 1874
Best regards and thank you for your time
D. Haas
__________________Dr. Dominik A. Haas, BA MA
dominik@haas.asia | ORCID 0000-0002-8505-6112 | academia.edu DominikAHaas | twitter DominikAHaas | hcommons DominikAHaas
DOC Fellow, Austrian Academy of Sciences (2020–2022)
The Initiative for Fair Open Access Publishing in South Asian Studies
foasas.org | contact@foasas.org | tweet #FOASAS
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