Dear Vitus and Dominik,
There is another, new Open Access journal on South Asian languages now which you might wish to add to your useful list - Bhāṣā. The first issue was in April 2022. Just thought you might like to include it:
Dear colleagues,
we would like to congratulate you on the launch of NESAR and wish you all the best for your first publications!
There can be no doubt that Fair Open Access journals such as NESAR are the future, since they are the only ones that include the entire diverse range of authors and readers in the South Asian Studies community.
We are very pleased that NESAR officially supports the FOASAS principles. On our website you will now also find an entry for – as well as for numerous other FOA journals:
All the best,
Vitus Angermeier and Dominik A. Haas, founders of the FOASAS Initiative
__________________Dr. Dominik A. Haas, BA MA
Postdoctoral researcher | ORCID 0000-0002-8505-6112 | | @dominik_a_haas
DOC Fellow, Austrian Academy of Sciences (2020–2022)
The Initiative for Fair Open Access Publishing in South Asian Studies | | tweet #FOASAS
Am 19.10.2022 um 01:38 schrieb Andrew Ollett via INDOLOGY:Dear colleagues,I am writing to let you know of the "soft launch" of a new open-access journal. It is called NESAR (from ನೇಸಱ್, a Kannada word meaning "sun") and stands for New Explorations in South Asia Research. We are still working hard on the first issue, which will come out early next year, and there are a few features of the website that will be rolled out soon. But in the meantime — and especially in advance of this year's Annual Conference on South Asia at Madison — I wanted to let everyone know of its existence and encourage you and your colleagues to think about NESAR as a possible venue for your work in the future. Here is the journal website:And here is a short article describing the new journal, its motivation, and the principles guiding it:If you have questions or comments, please feel free to write to me, or write to the journal at With all best wishes, including for a freer and more accessible future,Andrew OllettUniversity of Chicago
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