Looks very impressive! Congratulations! 

Mere XML version may not be useful for those that are not software/programming savvy, I think. 

Any possibility of this data being represented in a visual mode, say for example, see Visual Thesaurus (https://www.visualthesaurus.com)? 

I’ve been wanting to create one for Tamil for many years now, but I don’t have enough resources, so my wishful thinking remains as such. I contacted the developers at Thinkmap.com long time ago; they sent me a sample SDK (software development kit); it was great, but I could not proceed further because I couldn’t afford the price for their SDK. 

You may want to try developing a Visual Thesaurus for your data. If you have the urge and willingness and enough resources … you can contribute a marvelous search engine to the field of Indology! On your side, all you/one need(s) to know is some hands-on experience with HTML, XML, JavaScript and some latest Web Language such as PHP! 

With Best Wishes,

On Jul 31, 2022, at 4:02 AM, Oliver Hellwig via INDOLOGY <indology@list.indology.info> wrote:

Dear all,

a new XML version of Bloomfield's VC can be found here, along with a
paper describing how we built it:


The new version is hopefully much easier to parse and and therefore more
accessible for searching as well as for computational approaches.

Best, Oliver

Oliver Hellwig, IVS Zürich/Universität Düsseldorf

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