Dear Oliver


While I am sure that this is widely known,  I remember now decades ago Stanely Insler showing me his heavily annotated copy of Bloomfield. I have no idea what happened to this  (I recall it as having been rebound in two volumes, but perhaps this is a faulty memory) but it would doubtless be very valuable if his notes could somehow be preserved.

Certainly his students know more.

Jonathan Silk

On Sun, Jul 31, 2022 at 1:02 PM Oliver Hellwig via INDOLOGY <> wrote:
Dear all,

a new XML version of Bloomfield's VC can be found here, along with a
paper describing how we built it:

The new version is hopefully much easier to parse and and therefore more
accessible for searching as well as for computational approaches.

Best, Oliver

Oliver Hellwig, IVS Zürich/Universität Düsseldorf

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