Dear Harsha,

I don’t know if a direct link can be demonstrated , but it is notable that, in their cosmological speculations, Adhidharma texts and Mahâyâna sûtras seem also to have become fascinated with large multiples of 10, such as the famous Trisahasra-mahâsahasra, 1000 cubed. The mathematical discovery of how much could be made out of nothing perhaps played a role here. 

Matthew Kapstein 
EPHE, Paris

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From: INDOLOGY <> on behalf of Harsha Dehejia via INDOLOGY <>
Sent: Sunday, July 24, 2022 12:50:25 PM
To: Indology List <>
Subject: [INDOLOGY] Sunya

Is there any evidence that the sunya of mathematics arose out of the sunyata of Mahayana Buddhism?

Kind regards,

Harsha V. Dehejia