Dear list members,

I'm looking at a hymn called the Gurukavacam  from
the Kaṅkālamālinitantra. This hymn calls upon Prahlādānanda,
anakānanda, Kumārānanda, Vaśiṣṭhānanda, Krodhānanda, Krodhānanda,, 
Dhyānānanda, and Bodhānanda to protect the various parts of the body.

These eight names are listed in the same order and called the Kula gurus in multiple tantric texts. I.e. the  Kaṅkālamālinitantra, Kulacūḍāmaṇi-nigama, Kaulāvalīnirṇaya, Kaulāvalīnirṇaya, Tāratantra, and Bṛhattantrasāra.

Can anyone point me to any articles that discuss this list of names or give me any information about them.

They appear to be related to the cakras
of the body as they follow statements such as:

In the Kulacūḍāmaṇi-nigama and the Bṛhattantrasāra:
mūlādibrahmarandhrāntaṃ kulaṃ dhyātvā guruṃ smaret prahlādānandasanakānandameva ca || 34 ||
. . .

In the Kaulāvalīnirṇaya:
bhedayitvā ca ṣaṭcakraṃ sahasrārasthiteśvare |
sthāpayitvā ca tasyordhvaṃ dhyāyet kulagurūn kramāt || 84 ||
. . .

In the Tāratantra:
tataśca saṃsmaret kaulān gurūnetān kuleśvari || 1/24 ||
. . .

Harry Spier