As perhaps you already know, for materials from the Maldives the best person to ask is Jost Gippert.


On Thu, Jul 14, 2022 at 7:51 AM Alastair Gornall via INDOLOGY <> wrote:
Dear colleagues,

I was recently contacted by a hotel in the Maldives that also runs a small, private museum. They have found a number of these coral slabs inscribed with nāgarī characters on the island of Angolhitheemu, and they sent me this example (see attached image).

I am not confident to speculate on what this might be, but I thought someone on the list would surely be able to shed some light on the matter! My contact at the hotel museum suggests that these finds may have formed part of a tomb, but I have not received further information after asking for more details.

With all good wishes,

Alastair Gornall

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