The many Indological books available on the web seem to mostly be in English or Indian languages, thanks above all to the Digital Library of India and its availability via There is also Gallica for books in French. Is there a site for Indological books in German?
I have had no luck in finding Konrad Meisig's 1988 book, Das Sūtra von den vier Ständen: das Aggañña-Sutta im Licht seiner chinesischen Parallelen, nor Adelheid Mette's 1973 booklet, Indische Kulturstiftungsberichte und ihr Verhältnis zur Zeitaltersage. I would be happy to buy these books if reasonably possible. I found A. Mette's book at AbeBooks for $32.46. OK, but then shipping from Germany to U.S.A. for this 35-page booklet is $45.75!
Am I missing some digital site that has Indological books in German?
David Reigle
Colorado, U.S.A.