Dear All, many thanks for your useful replies. 

Best wishes,

Asko Parpola via INDOLOGY <> ezt írta (időpont: 2022. júl. 6., Sze, 19:49):
I do not have at hand Stephanie Jamison’s book "The ravenous hyenas and the wounded sun: Myth and ritual in ancient India”, Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1991 (xxi, 336 pp.), and though I have read the book, I do not remember how closely the hyenas are described, but surely this is a book to be consulted.

Best wishes, Asko

> On 6. Jul 2022, at 18.05, Martin Straube via INDOLOGY <> wrote:
> Dear Péter,
> both words seem to be attested by Indian lexicographers only. As to depictions: Alexandra van der Geer, "Animals in Stone. Indian Mammals Sculptured Through Time", Leiden 2008, p. 427, mentions that the stripped hyena is totally absent from stone sculpture. So, I would be very interested too in any descriptions or depictions of this conspicuous scavenger.
> With best wishes
> Martin
> --
> Martin Straube
> Research Fellow in Pali Lexicography
> The Pali Text Society
> Zitat von Péter Száler via INDOLOGY <>:
>> Dear List members,
>> Can anyone point me to sources that describe hyenas (tarakṣu) in detail or
>> contain the word yuyukkhura/kṣudravyāghra? Are there any studies about the
>> depictions of striped hyenas?
>> Kind regards,
>> Péter Száler
> --
> Research Fellow in Pali Lexicography
> The Pali Text Society
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