Wonderful news, Joanna,

I too am looking forward to reading your latest book. Your presentation at the last World Sanskrit Conference drew on this work. Congratulations!


Edeltraud Harzer.
University of Texas at Austin.

On Jun 14, 2022, at 3:42 PM, Joanna Jurewicz <j.jurewicz@uw.edu.pl> wrote:

Dear All, 

I am happy to announce that my last book "Invisible Fire. Memory, Tradition and the Self  in Early Hindu Philosophy" (2021) is available at Amazon:

With regards, 

Joanna Jurewicz
Prof. dr hab. Joanna Jurewicz
Katedra Azji Południowej /Chair of South Asia Studies
Wydział Orientalistyczny / Faculty of Oriental Studies
Uniwersytet Warszawski /University of Warsaw  
ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 26/28
00-927 Warszawa , Poland
Department of Linguistics and Modern Languages
College of Human Sciences
Pretoria, RSA
Member of Academia Europaea  

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