Dear all,

I came across the following verse in the colophon of an astronomical text (the Siddhāntasindhu of Nityānanda written in the early 1630s) that I am currently reading. In it, Nityānanda describes the first member of his family (resident in Indrapuri) as

tasyāṃ vasan gauḍakulaprasūto 'nuśāsanenāpi dulīṇahaṭṭaḥ |
īcchābhidho mudgalagotrajanmā babhūva pūrvaṃ sutapā manīṣī ||

Can anyone shed light on the word dulīṇahaṭṭa? Is this a known tradition among the Gauḍa Brahmins or is it a place (perhaps, the marketplace of Dulīna, in modern-day Jhajhar, Haryana?) I should add that Nityānanda mentions Indrapurī (Delhi) in the vicinity of Kurukṣetra in the immediately preceding verse.

Many thanks!


Anuj Misra, PhD
Gerda Henkel Research Fellow
Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies
University of Copenhagen
Karen Blixens Plads 8, Building 10
2300 Copenhagen S