I know this does not quite address the original question, but given that good fonts are always of interest: Tiro Devanagari Sanskrit, originally developed for the Murty Library, is an excellent, aesthetically pleasing font that allows for full Vedic/accentual notation not just in nāgarī, but also in transliteration. Combining nāgarī and transliteration in the same sentence/paragraph also does not cause any issues (such as extra space between lines, which you get with some other fonts.) It's freely available here:


All my best,

On Tue, 31 May 2022 at 12:36, Jan Kučera <jan.kucera@matfyz.cz> wrote:

I responded to Daniel offline but thank you both for your responses.


A lot of the proper rendering depends on the font indeed. I am looking for things that even fonts are not allowed to do but should be, on Windows commonly exhibited using dotted circles.


Thank you Oliver for the font link! Note that the Chandas font appears to be over 15 years old, with the latest characters coming from Unicode 5.0. For all the later additions such as Vedic signs and tones, the oe/ue/aw and other vowels, private use characters need to be used.





From: Oliver Frey <ofrey@me.com>
Sent: Tuesday, May 31, 2022 11:05 AM
To: jan.kucera@matfyz.cz; indology@list.indology.info
Subject: Adobe & Devanagari works perfectly fine


Dear Dániel & Jan,


just a quick note on Dániel’s last email via Indology:


1. Devanagari on Adobe products works perfectly fine! … You just need to set the paragraph style correctly:


—> Paragraph Style Options 

—> Justification

—> put ‘Composter’ on ‘Adobe World-Ready Paragraph Composer’


2. Chandas Devanagari most complete font (http://www.sanskritweb.net/cakram/) … I think


See attached PDF.


Best, oliver




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