I've fetched all the Indologica Taurinensia files from www.asiainstitutetorino.it, and unfortunately there are some corrupted PDF files, listed below.  I have tried getting these from the WayBackMachine, but they are corrupted (sthālīpulākanyāyena) in every snapshot there too. 

If anyone finds a different, non-corrupted version of the journal files, please let me know.  Perhaps this is some quirk of my system, but unfortunately I don't think it is.

Dominik Wujastyk


Corrupted files, that could not be repaired with acrobat, ghostscript or mupdf-tools:

* vol15-16_art04_BANSATBOUDON.pdf
* vol15-16_art13_KHAN.pdf
* vol15-16_art24_SARMA.pdf
* vol15-16_art27_SINGH.pdf

* vol17-18_art01_BAILEY.pdf
* vol17-18_art06_CHANDRA.pdf
* vol17-18_art10_INSLER.pdf

* vol31/12_Wada.pdf

* vol32/01_Chenet.pdf
* vol32/02_Emmrich.pdf
* vol32/03_Filigenzi.pdf
* vol32/04_Filliozat.pdf
* vol32/06_Hara.pdf
* vol32/07_Hinuber.pdf
* vol32/08_Kulikov.pdf
* vol32/09_rossella.pdf
* vol32/10_varghese.pdf
* vol32/XXXII_Report.pdf
* vol32/XXXII_reviews.pdf