Thank you. What I am searching for is whether there is a connection of the game with vibhitaka nuts for selecting the butcher for the sacrificial purposes. AS both of these practices do not show a any clear connecting points. Thank you if you like to share some of your ideas about mz question.

Vse nejlepší,

Univ. Texas at Austin.

On Feb 23, 2022, at 12:32 PM, Edeltraud Harzer <> wrote:

On Feb 21, 2022, at 12:08 PM, Edeltraud Harzer <> wrote:

Many thanks, Lubomi'r,
For fulfilling the need for all of these sources, I was looking for.
Best wishes,


On Feb 21, 2022, at 11:54 AM, Lubomír Ondračka <> wrote:

Dear Edeltraud,

ZDMG is available online:

Your articles are here:


On Mon, 21 Feb 2022 11:46:34 -0600
Edeltraud Harzer <> wrote:

Dear colleagues and friends,

If anybody had any of these, I would be very grateful for your sharing with me:
Weber, R. "Über ein Würfelorakel." Indische Streifen 1. (1868)
Roth, R. "Über das Würfelspiel bei den Indern." ZDMG 2 (1848) 122-125.
Roth, R. "Vom Baum Vibhītaka im Gurupūjākaumudī." Festschrift A. Weber. Leipzig (1896) 1-4.
Caland, W. "Zur Exegese und Kritik der rituellen Sūtras." XLIX. Zum altindischen Würfelspiel. ZDMG 62 (1908) 123-128.
Thieme, P.  "Bhartrharis Allegorie vom Schicksals-Würfelspiel.” Beiträge zur Indien Forschung. E. Waldschmidt zum 80. Geburtstag …Berlin 1977.

Thank you very much for any help with these.

Edeltraud Harzer
Dept. of Asian Studies
University of Texas at Austin.