Dear Harry,
it isn't necessarily a typo as vocatives of this type can occasionally end in long -ā instead of the regular short -a; for some possible reasons for this see Debrunner and Wackernagel's Altindische Grammatik III §46b (1975, p.96) (and perhaps check Klaus Strunk's book on pluti).
Best, Carmen Spiers (IFP Pondicherry/GREI Paris)

Am So., 27. März 2022 um 03:00 Uhr schrieb Harry Spier via INDOLOGY <>:
Dear list members,
I've been looking at the Śrī-sūktam text in Scheftelowitz's  Apokryphen des Rgveda.  
 In his text of the hymn  in verse 12 there is the phrase: ... ciklītā vasa me gṛhe
but in verse 16 a few verses on, the same phrase is spelled:  ciklīta vasa me gṛhe
(See attached pdf page.)

I've checked the other online  Ṛg-veda khilāni but they are all derived from Scheftelowitz and agree with his spelling of these two verses.
Scheftelowtiz in his study on the Śrīsūkta translates the phrase the same in both verses. 
Verse 12  Ciklīta ("Schlamm"), wohne in meinem Gehöfte
Verse 16  Ciklīta wohne in meinem Gehöfte

Is the spelling  ciklītā in verse 12 a misprint in Scheftelowitz's text or is  do the  two different spellings represent how it actually is in the Ṛg-veda khilāni 

Harry Spier

INDOLOGY mailing list

Carmen Sylvia Spiers