Dear Colleagues,


I would like to bring a new publication to your attention:

Oskar von Hinüber: Studien zur Kasussyntax des Pāli, besonders des Vinaya-Piṭaka.

Durchgesehener und korrigierter Nachdruck im Neusatz. Ergänzt um einen Sachindex von Petra Kieffer-Pülz.

Halle 2022. pp. 332.  88,00 € (ISBN 978-3-86977-251-6)

Studia Indologica Universitatis Halensis | Volume 19


[Studies on the Case Syntax of Pāli, in particular of the Vinaya-Piṭaka. Revised and corrected reprint in new typesetting. Supplemented by a subject index by Petra Kieffer-Pülz].

Note on the scope of the present revision:
The present revision of Oskar von Hinüber's book on Pāli syntax is largely limited, on the one hand, to references to studies that have appeared in the half-century that has passed since its first publication in 1968 and, on the other, to a considerable expansion of the indices. New additions include a subject index as well as indexes of those places where textual interpretations deviating from the translation by T. W. Rhys Davids and H. Oldenberg in the "Vinaya Texts" or by I. B. Horner in "The Book of Discipline" are suggested.

The core text of this former dissertation was taken over unchanged, but printing errors, very occasionally also translation errors, were corrected and the "Addenda et Corrigenda" of the original print were incorporated.

Further details can be found here, where orders can also be placed:


Link to the series:


With my very best wishes,

Walter Slaje