Dear colleagues,
I am forwarding you this year's CFP for the Yoga in Theory and Practice unit of the AAR. For the 2022 Annual Meeting, we especially invite proposals on the following topics. Please contact the organizing scholar listed next to each topic for more information:
- Yoga therapy, healthcare, and trauma (Contact: Christa Kuberry,
- Yoga and psychedelics (Contact: Stuart Sarbacker,
- Tibetan yoga (Contact: Naomi Worth,
- Yoga Bindu, especially as a point of interface between Buddhism, Jainism, Hinduism, etc. (Contact: Christopher Chapple,
- Hindu-Christian relations and Christian-based yoga (Contact: Allyson Huval,
- A co-sponsored session between Yoga in Theory and Practice and Sikh Studies invites presentations that explore the relationship between Sikhi and Yogathrough a variety of approaches that may engage topics such as colonization, oral and textual knowledge production, lineage transmission, hermeneutics, issues of appropriation and abuse, historical figures and communities related to Sikhi and Yoga. (Contact: Nirinjan Khalsa, and Christopher Miller,
We are also open to full-panel proposals on any other topic falling under the purview of Yoga Studies.
Patricia Sauthoff, PhD
Assistant Lecturer
Department of History, Classics, and Religion
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Canada
The Landing: