Dear Indologists,

I have received the requested PDFs. Thank you to those who replied off-list. 

On Wed, Jan 26, 2022 at 8:48 PM Westin Harris <> wrote:
Greetings Indologists, 

I am looking for two PDFs -- one article and one book. Please see below...

Horstmann, Monika. “The Emergence of the Nāthyogī Order in the Light of Vernacular Sources.” International Journal of Tantric Studies 10, no. 1 (2014).

I found a URL for Horstmann's article ( ), but the PayPal links on the page seem to be broken and I cannot access the full article. WorldCat requests through my library have gone unanswered.

Kiehnle, Catharina. Songs on Yoga: Texts and Teachings of the Mahārāṣṭrian Nāths: Jñāndev Studies I and II. Stuttgart: Steiner, 1997.

I already own a hard copy of Kiehnle’s two-volume set back in the USA, but I am currently conducting research in Nepal and international shipping costs are too expensive. If anyone has scanned a soft copy I would be greatly appreciative. NOTE: At present, I only need a PDF of the first volume (ie. Songs on Yoga), not the second volume.  

Thank you.


Westin Harris
Ph.D. Candidate
Study of Religion 
University of California, Davis
The Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Program in Buddhist Studies

Sarva Mangalam.


Westin Harris
Ph.D. Candidate
Study of Religion 
University of California, Davis
The Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Program in Buddhist Studies

Sarva Mangalam.