The project
Changing Episteme in Early Modern Sanskrit Astronomy (CEEMSA, funded by the
Gerda Henkel Stiftung, Grant Number: AZ 21/F/21, hosted by
ToRS, University of Copenhagen, Denmark) is offering a
one year postdoctoral fellowship (to begin no later than 1 September 2022)
to study Indo-Persian astronomical texts from early modern Mughal India.
The position is remotely based, i.e., the postdoctoral fellow need not relocate to Denmark and may continue to work from their country of residence; however, the appointment requires a commitment from the fellow to be available to meet regularly (via zoom) for up to several hours a week. The details of the fellowship (including the project description, desired qualifications, fellowship amount, and application procedure) can be found in the enclosed pdf of the call.
Please contact the Project PI, Dr Anuj Misra ( for any further information about the project or the appointment process.
Anuj Misra, PhD
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow
Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies
University of Copenhagen
Karen Blixens Plads 8, Building 10
2300 Copenhagen S