What was Sanskrit For? Metadiscursive Strategies in Ancient India. In J.E.M. Houben, ed., Ideology and Status of Sanskrit: Contributions to the History of the Sanskrit Language. Leiden, E.J. Brill, 87-107.
(co-authored with Martha Kaplan) Rethinking Resistance: Dialogics of Disaffection in Colonial Fiji. American Ethnologist 21:123-151.
Meaning and the Limits of Analysis: Bhartrhari and the Buddhists, and Poststructuralism. Asiatische Studien/Etudes Asiatiques 47:171-94.
A Politics of Virtue: Hinduism, Sexuality, and Countercolonial Discourse in Fiji. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Greetings! The best sources on Sanskrit in the Philippines are the writings of my teacher, Prof. Juan Francisco. If you search on Google Scholar "Juan Francisco Sanskrit Philippines" one can get all the titles of his work, in addition to others. Prof. Francisco finished his PhD at University of MadrasOn Thu, Nov 18, 2021 at 8:57 AM Dean Michael Anderson via INDOLOGY <indology@list.indology.info> wrote:A few decades ago I was in the Philippines and a professor there told me that the native Filipino languages had some words that originated with Sanskrit. He was not interested in Indology really, and this was long before Hindutva, so I don't think it's due to exaggerated cultural nationalism. I was only able to find one brief reference in a book there that said that their word for 'teacher' came from 'guru'. The Sanskrit influence was apparently later mostly effaced due to Islam and Christianity.As most people here are well aware, there was significant Hindu influence in Bali and the rest of Southeast Asia. So the Philippines is not beyond the imagination.Are there any reliable sources that talk about the extent to which Hindu or Buddhist culture may have reached the Philippines?Best,Dean
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