On Nov 18, 2021, at 5:09 PM, Jesse Knutson <jknutson@hawaii.edu> wrote:Wow these both sound extraordinary. Such an auspicious beginning for the initiative and for both authors. Congratulations to everyone!On Thu, Nov 18, 2021 at 10:22 AM Rosane Rocher via INDOLOGY <indology@list.indology.info> wrote:Patrick Olivelle has difficulty posting this message on our Indology list. Let's hope that this does not bounce.
Greetings to all,
Rosane Rocher
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: FW: [RISA-L LIST] The Ludo and Rosane Rocher Foundation Date: Thu, 18 Nov 2021 20:12:49 +0000 From: Olivelle, J P <jpo@austin.utexas.edu> To: Rosane Rocher <rrocher@sas.upenn.edu>
Here is the post
From: "Olivelle, J P" <jpo@austin.utexas.edu>
Reply-To: "Religion in South Asia (RISA) Academic Discussion List" <risa-l@lists.sandiego.edu>
Date: Thursday, November 18, 2021 at 10:52 AM
To: INDOLOGY <indology-bounces@list.indology.info>, "Religion in South Asia (RISA) Academic Discussion List" <risa-l@lists.sandiego.edu>
Subject: [RISA-L LIST] The Ludo and Rosane Rocher Foundation
It gives me great pleasure to inform you of the first two books published under the “First Books” initiative of the Rocher Foundation. They are:
(1) Sonam Kachru, Other Lives. Mind and World in Indian Buddhism, Columbia University Press, 2021. http://cup.columbia.edu/book/other-lives/9780231200011
(2) Samuel Wright, A Time of Novelty: Logic, Emotion, and Intellectual Life in Early India, 1500-1700 CE., Oxford University Press, 2021. https://oxford.universitypressscholarship.com/view/10.1093/oso/9780197568163.001.0001/oso-9780197568163
I want to alert young scholars once again to this great initiative, which hopefully will facilitate the publication of first books.
Patrick Olivelle
The Ludo and Rosane Rocher Foundation has created a program that provides subventions for the publication of "first books" by young scholars in the field of classical Indology. The scholars are expected to submit a CV, a book title, summary, and table of contents to the Foundation, with a list of potential publishers. These should be academic presses: either US university presses or the US offices of foreign academic presses, such as Oxford University Press. Upon preliminary approval, the author will send the full manuscript for review. The manuscript should be in publishable form, that is, one that the author sends to a publisher, in most cases a thoroughly revised dissertation. Once a book has been approved by the Foundation, it will provide a subvention of $ 5000 to the press that undertakes to publish it. It will be the responsibility of the author to find a suitable press. The published book must carry on the Copyright page the acknowledgment: “Published with the support of The Ludo and Rosane Rocher Foundation.” This program is intended to support young scholars in the early years of their postdoctoral academic life.
Submissions should be addressed to the Foundation’s General Editor, Prof. J. Patrick Olivelle jpo@austin.utexas.edu
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------------------Jesse Ross Knutson PhDAssociate Professor of Sanskrit Language and LiteratureDepartment of Indo-Pacific Languages and LiteraturesUniversity of Hawai'i, Mānoa461 SpaldingIt is creative apperception more than anything else that makes the individual feel that life is worth living. Contrasted with this is a relationship to external reality which is one of compliance, the world and its details being recognized but only as something to be fitted in with or demanding adaptation. Compliance carries with it a sense of futility for the individual and is associated with the idea that nothing matters and that life is not worth living. In a tantalizing way many individuals have experienced just enough creative living to recognize that for most of their time they are living uncreatively, as if caught up in the creativity of someone else, or of a machine.--Donald Winnicott, Playing and Reality
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