The fossilized institution known as the Société Asiatique has yet to be made aware of the
digital age.
Dear Charles,
thank you very much for your offer.Â
Being visiting professor at the Jagiellonian in this semester, I am currently away from the library of my Department. I could easily ask our excellent librarian to provide me with a PDF of Renou’s article of 1953. But, in more general terms, I would like to know if (in some corner of the web) the collection of such an important journal can be found, or if, now and in the future, I should only rely on its hard copies.
Dear Prof. Torella,
I had occasion to search for a many decades old issue of Journal Asiatique just this past week. Like you, I was not able to find any issues from between 1940–1999 easily available online. However, I was pleased to learn that my university library at Ghent seems to have an extensive collection of back issues and they swiftly scanned the article I needed. If the library in Rome does not have the issue you need in its collection please let me know and I will have it scanned for you.
With my kind regards,
Dr. Charles DiSimone
Department of Languages and Cultures
Ghent University
Dear Colleagues,
is there a site from which I can download post-1939 issues of Journal Asiatique?
Grazie mille,
Raffaele Torella
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