AV20-434 Saturday, November, 20 5:00 PM-6:30 PM (Virtual)
Session: Alf Hiltebeitel’s Legacy and the Literary-Critical Method
Bruce M. Sullivan, Northern Arizona University, Presiding
Brian Collins, Ohio University
“Epic” Scholarship: Reckoning with Alf Hiltebeitel’s Contributions to the Study of the Mahābhārata
Joydeep Bagchee, Independent Scholar
The Mahābhārata as Literature: Hiltebeitel’s “Literary Turn” at 20
Vishwa Adluri, Hunter College
Fathers and Sons: Deconstructing Paternity and Engendering Literature
AV21-416 Sunday, November 21, 5:00 PM-6:30 PM (Virtual)
Session: Multifarious Mahābhārata Methods
Arti Dhand, University of Toronto, Presiding
Sthaneshwar Timalsina, San Diego State University
The doctrine of vyakti or emergence in the Mahābhārata
Simon Winant, UGent
Redemption or Death: Jain Reinterpretations of the Slaying of Kīcaka
Andrzej Babkiewicz, University of Warsaw
Sacred, mundane and religious geography of the Mahābhārata