Dear Marcis et al,

I don’t know if this will be useful for your purposes, but the Linguistics department here at UBC has designed a website called “eNunciate!” with various linguistics learning tools, including “Sounds of the World’s Languages”, which provides videos illustrating the pronunciation of a broad range of IPA consonants and vowels, including, presumably, all sounds within the Sanskrit syllabary. 
They feature both graphical representations like you are looking for, as well as actual ultrasound captures of a live speaker.

The site can be accessed here:
Similar animated videos are found on the ArticulatoryIPA YouTube site:

For a list of correspondences between IPA and the Sanskrit syllabary, you may consult Andrew Ollett’s excellent Sanskrit reference grammar (vṛddhiḥ) at the Univ. of Chicago, here:

I am also currently making youtube videos that you can find if search for UBC Sanskrit on Youtube. These may or may not be useful.

With all best wishes,

Adheesh Sathaye
University of British Columbia

On Sep 22, 2021, at 04:56, Mārcis Gasūns via INDOLOGY <> wrote:

  Is there something like this for Sanskrit (taken from The closes I've seen is but it has not pictures, only a vowel chart.
  Does remains the only book on Sanskrit phonetics?

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