Dear list members,
On behalf of the Muktabodha Indological Research Institute, I am pleased to announce.

The following 14 Virasaiva e-texts have been added to Muktabodha's searchable etext library.

They were created from sources provided by Dr. Elaine Fisher, Assistant Professor of Religion at Stanford University and a member of Muktabodha's Academic Advisory Council. This is the first installment of a project to digitally preserve and transcribe rare Virasaiva texts and is funded by a fellowship to Dr. Fisher from Stanford University.

From the paper transcripts of the French Institute of Pondicherry
T0342 Vīraśaivasiddhāntottarakaumudī (61 pages)
T0343 Vīraśaivasiddhāntottarakaumudī (different from above) (42 pages)
T1061 Caturvedatātparyasaṅgraha (30 pages)
T0658,Pañcaratnavyākhyā (68 pages)
T0031 Vīrāgama (228 pages)
T0195 Vīraśaivāgamāḥ (63 pages)

From publications of Solapur Virasaivalingibrahmanagranthamala
Viśeṣārthaprakāśikā, Solapur 1906 (34 pages)
Vīraśaivotkarṣapradīpikā, attr. Cennabasaveśvara, 1910 Solapur (18 pages)
Kaivalyasāra, Solapur 1907 (57 pages)
Vīraśaivācārapradīpikā, Gurudeva, Solapur 1905 (141 pages)
Śivādvaitamañjarī, Svaprabhānanda, and Śaivasiddhāntadīpikā, Solapur 1909 (29 pages)

From other print books
Vīraśaivānandacandrikā, Maritoṇṭadārya, Varanasi, 1936 (234 pages)
Śivādvaitadarpaṇa, Hooli ca. 1920 (36 pages)

Vīratantra manuscript from Kashi Jangamwadi Matha (21 folios)

Harry Spier