Dear Herman,

the Chicago electronic version of the Tamil Lexicon ( has a "words ending with" function. By using this function, quite a lot of nouns ending in -iṉ can be found. Many of them are obscure, but at least the words வயின் vayiṉ, "place", and கவின் kaviṉ, "beauty", are well attested in classical Tamil.

Best regards,

Am 24.08.2021 um 16:26 schrieb Tieken, H.J.H. via INDOLOGY:

Dear List members, or in particular those interested in Tamil,

I would like to know if there is a "reverse" (rückläufiges) dictionary of Tamil. I am looking for free nouns ending in -i(thus not niṉ, the oblique of the second person singular pronoun).


Herman Tieken
Stationsweg 58
2515 BP Den Haag
The Netherlands
00 31 (0)70 2208127

INDOLOGY mailing list
Dr. Jonas Buchholz
Research Fellow, DFG project "Temple Networks in Early Modern South India"
Heidelberg University
South Asia Institute
Department of Cultural and Religious History of South Asia
Voßstraße 2, Building 4130
69115 Heidelberg, Germany