Dear colleagues, students and Malayalam enthusiasts,

we offer in the coming winter semester 2021/22 at the Dept. of Indology at the University of Tübingen three Malayalam courses as part of the Gundert Chair programme, please see the details below.

Best regards,
Heike Oberlin

Malayalam 1: Course for Beginners
Prof. Dr. Heike Oberlin

The course is aimed at beginners with no prior knowledge of the language.
The participants acquire knowledge of the Malayalam script (old and new), basic knowledge of the grammar and vocabulary of the Dravidian language Malayalam and can comprehend, identify and explain basic structures of grammar and syntax.

Place: online participation via Zoom is possible

Time: classes on Mondays (4:15 – 7:45 pm CET) & Fridays (10:15 – 11:45 am CET); starting 25.10.2021, ending 11.2.2022

Fees: free for students registered at Tübingen University | 250€ for external participants

ATTENTION: The number of participants is limited. Tübingen students are given preferential admission. All other interested are requested to enclose a short letter of motivation (max. half page).
Application deadline for external participants: 30.9.2021.


Credit points / ECTS:
For students of the University of Tübingen: 6 ECTS.
For students from other universities: The approval must be negotiated with the respective university.



Malayalam Grammar & Readings 
Prof. Dr. Heike Oberlin & Prof. Dr. T. Anithakumary

We will read various excerpts of Malayalam literature.
Existing knowledge of grammar will be consolidated.
The course is designed for students with prior knowledge of the language as far as Malayalam 1 and Malayalam 2 (Tübingen model).

Place: online participation via Zoom is possible

Time: classes on Tuesdays, 5:00 – 6:30 pm CET; starting 26.10.2021, ending 8.2.2022

Fees: free (for students registered at Tübingen University and for external participants)

ATTENTION: The number of participants is limited. Tübingen students are given preferential admission.
Application deadline for external participants: 30.9.2021.


Credit points / ECTS:
For students of the University of Tübingen: 3 ECTS.
For students from other universities: The approval must be negotiated with the respective university.


Malayalam Literature and Screen Adaptations
Prof. Dr. T. Anithakumary

It is planned that this seminar will be held by the Gundert-Chair Professor T. Anithakumary (Malayalam University, Tirur) in classrooms over two weeks, starting mid-February 2022 (14.-25.2.2022). Any changes due to Corona regulations will be reflected in this space.
Those interested should get in touch with Prof. Heike Oberlin at


Prof. Dr. Heike Oberlin

Head of the Dept. of Indology | Spokesperson of the State Representation of Academic Staff at Universities in Baden-Wuerttemberg (LAM-BW) | Deputy Spokesperson of the German Research Foundation’s (DFG) Review Board 106 | Equal Opportunities Officer of the Institute of Asian and Oriental Studies | Member of the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Humanities | Member of the Senate's Structural Commission and the Equal Opportunities Commission | Member of the Senate of the University of Tuebingen

Dept. of Indology · University of Tuebingen
Keplerstr. 2 (room 139) · 72074 Tuebingen
 · Germany
phone 07071 29-74005 · mobile 0176 20030066 ·